ADG group joins CRE League

December 14, 2023
ADG group joined CRE League, an influential association of local developers, construction management companies, investment consultancy. Membership is available for companies that have achieved outstanding results in the domestic real estate market.
To be selected, each participant must have won at least five Golden Bricks of CRE Awards or its equivalent during the last 20 years. CRE League identifies market leaders and defines the professional standards across construction and related industries. It also inspires innovators among developers redefine the industry. It's a great honor to be among those, who shape the future of construction and outline the development of the real estate market.
  • Grigory Pecherskiy
    Managing Partner of ADG group
    "We're pleased to be a part of CRE League. The goal of our work is to improve urban infrastructure and make everyday life for millions of people better. And this is one more visible sign that the expert community highly appreciates and recognizes our efforts".
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